Ismail Haniyeh’s death was inhumane

Hasanuddin dilantik Yang Dipertua Yadim baruIsmail Haniyeh’s death was inhumane – The killing of Ismail Haniyeh attracted global attention, highlighting Israel’s crimes and sparking calls for action against the regime’s atrocities. This brutal act not only exposed the dark side of Israel’s aggressive policies, but also demanded a firm response from the international community. These events urge countries and organizations around the world to show solidarity, fight for human rights, and condemn the cruel act that took the life of a leader dedicated to freedom and justice. This is a crucial time for the world to unite and fight against human rights violations.

Words from the President of the Malaysian Islamic Da’wah Foundation (YADIM)

Hasanuddin Mohd Yunus strongly condemned the Zionist regime’s actions that have continuously launched attacks and killings for decades, while claiming self-defense as justification. According to him, this reason is not only inadequate but also an attempt to cover up the clearly inhumane atrocities. This brutal act shows a deep and systematic violation of human rights, illustrating how serious this problem is. Hasanuddin emphasized that this violation damages individual lives and humanitarian principles, urging the international community to act firmly and immediately.

He said that Haniyeh’s death was a deep tragedy because the life of a great leader who had fought tirelessly for freedom was taken away just like that. This incident shows the cruelty of the world when dedicated fighters have to sacrifice their lives for justice and human rights.

Haniyeh has become an icon of struggle, his life is filled with extraordinary sacrifice and dedication to defending the Palestinian people. His steadfast commitment to demanding freedom and justice proves how deep his determination is, making him an irreplaceable symbol of struggle in history. Every step he takes in fighting for the rights of the Palestinian people reflects extraordinary courage and determination. Haniyeh was not just a leader, but a symbol of the Palestinian people’s spirit and aspirations for freedom and justice, leaving a deep imprint.

Datuk Hasanuddin’s Pressure

Datuk Hasanuddin Mohd Yunus together with preachers in this country expressed their deep condolences and expressed their condolences to Haniyeh’s family for the tragic tragedy of this murder. In today’s reality, they expressed their sincere sympathy and condolences, highlighting the profound impact this incident had on the community and the fight for justice. They called on all parties to unite in confronting injustice and ensuring respect for human rights. In this atmosphere of mourning, solidarity and support for Haniyeh’s family is important to fight for humanity and fight injustice.

Malaysia firmly condemns the murder of Ismail Haniyeh and his personal bodyguard, assessing this act as a serious human rights violation. The Malaysian government emphasized that this tragic incident not only attacked individuals, but also tarnished universal humanitarian norms. In this reality, Malaysia calls on the international community to immediately take firm action against the perpetrators and mobilize global solidarity to fight these atrocities. The country stressed the importance of collaborating globally in upholding justice and fighting for human rights to ensure that brutal acts like this do not happen again.

Datuk Hasanuddin’s Review

Hasanuddin said that while people would deeply feel the loss of this leader, his fighting spirit continues to inspire. Even though this leader is gone, his struggle’s legacy will actively inspire and fuel every individual who fights for Palestinian independence. His courage and dedication will be the fire that lights the way for those who continue the fight for justice and freedom. The spirit and values ​​that Haniyeh left behind will continue to inspire future generations in the struggle for Palestinian independence.

YADIM believes that Ismail Haniyeh’s sacrifice will give birth to a new leader who will continue his legacy with stronger determination. This belief reflects the hope that Haniyeh’s passion and dedication will inspire new generations to continue fighting for freedom and justice. In facing challenges and obstacles, his legacy will remain a source of strength and motivation for all those fighting for the rights of the Palestinian people.

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